Donate and support us…and join later

9 March 2021

We’re taking baby steps here at the Wild Carp Trust, building solid foundations for the charity rather than running before we can walk. Our communication strategy is to report our achievements rather than intentions (building confidence rather than false promises) and so we’re encouraging people to donate and support us through volunteering and expressing interest.

That said, we know how important it is to feel part of something. So whilst its possible to be a supporter (or even a VIP supporter!) we’re anticipating that you’ll want to join the Trust at some point as a member. Be assured that this is part of the plan, probably for 2022. Our vision is to have a non-voting membership (noting the legal requirements of the charity) where each member will receive a membership pack, printed journal and be invited to member events.

Bear with us, then, while we set up the charity. Once it’s up and running and we have time to adequately support a thriving membership, we’ll be allowing a ‘join’ option as well.

In the meantime, if you have any ideas of what you would like as part of member or supporter package, please contact us.